2019 № 1 | ![]() |
L.M. Bogomolov Invitation to the discussion
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V.A. Parovyshny, Yu.V. Sohatyuk, D.V. Parovyshny, O.V. Veselov, E.V. Kochergin Approach to solve specific problems of operative predictions of seismic events
Abstract / PDF Russ
L.G. Sverdlik, S.A. Imashev On preseismic anomalies of atmosphere temperature
Abstract / PDF Russ
A.S. Zakupin, N.V. Boginskaya Modern seismicity in the zone of the Central Sakhalin fault (south of Sakhalin Island): false alarm or postponed prediction?
Abstract / PDF Russ
V.N. Sychev, N.A. Sycheva, S.A. Imashev Study of aftershock sequence of Suusamyr earthquake
Abstract / PDF Russ
V.V. Zhigulev, A.V. Savitsky, A.V. Zhigulev Study of Bering Sea gas hydrates with application of AVO-analysis
Abstract / PDF Russ
A.А. Kostina, M.S. Zhelnin, О.А. Plekhov, I.А. Panteleev Investigation on effectiveness of analytical models to describe steam chamber growth during steam-assisted gravity drainage
Abstract / PDF Russ
R.B. Shakirov, A.I. Obzhirov, M.V. Shakirova, E.V. Maltseva On gas hydrates of East Asian marginal seas: patterns of genesis and distribution (review)
Abstract / PDF Russ
R.B. Shakirov, O.V. Mishukova The spatial distribution of the methane fluxes on the water–atmosphere boundary in the Sea of Okhotsk
Abstract / PDF Russ
G.V. Shevchenko, M.O. Khuzeeva, V.E. Yachmenev, A.A. Shishkin Storm waves in the South Kuril Island by visual and instrumental data
Abstract / PDF Russ
V.V. Afanasiev, I.O. Leont’yev, A.V. Uba Analysis of the dynamics of the lagoon accumulative barrier form (Sakhalin Island) on the basis of mathematical modeling and relief strain maps for a long-term period
Abstract / PDF Russ
M.V. Chibisova, A.V. Degterev The activity of Sarychev Peak volcano (Matua Island, Middle Kuriles) in 2017–2018: on the basis satellite and visual data
Abstract / PDF Russ
The rules for the authors of the journal “Geosystems of Transition Zones”
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