The journal "Geosystems of Transition Zones" was included in the RSCI – Russian Science Citation Index database.
Geosistemy perehodnykh zon | Geosystems of Transition Zones
ISSN 2541-8912 (Print) eISSN 2713-2161 (Online)
Founder and Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Institution Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Certificate of registrationÏÈ ¹ ÔÑ 77-73243 from 13.07.2018
Since 2017
Periodicity – 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December)
Languages – Russian and English
You can subscribe to the printed version of the «Geosystems of transition zones» journal on the website of the United Catalogue “Press of Russia” ( and in the online store “Press on subscription” ( (subscription index 80882).
Aims and Scope
The main objective of the Journal is to inform the scientific community about the results of studying the processes, effects, and patterns in geosystems. Geosystems, which are the areas or structures in the solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, identified by some characteristic, constitute the traditional research subject of different earth sciences (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrogeology, seismology, geoecology). The study of geosystems contributes to the understanding of the genesis and development of geo-disasters and other natural hazards.
The Journal topics
• Interaction of hydrosphere, atmosphere, and solid Earth, geomedia contacting effects
• Mechanisms of earthquake occurring, focus, earthquake precursors, geohazards
• Straining and destruction of geological materials, rock massifs, sea coasts
• Fluid dynamics phenomena in rock massifs and on the geological media contacts
• Fundamental problems in hydrocarbons field development
• Tsunami and other dangerous wave processes in the Ocean, tsunami hazard
• Volcanism and volcanic hazard, mud volcanism and related processes
• Geoinformatics and information technology in Earth sciences
• Geophysical effects and modern geodynamics manifestations
• Interrelation of biological and physical processes in the ocean and other water bodies, volcanic, and coastal zone
Indexation. The Journal is:
• indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
• registered in the CrossRef system (scientific publications are assigned an individual identifier DOI).
• included in the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory database.
• included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
• The Journal is included in the VAK List – the List of reviewed scientific journals, which should publish the scientific results of dissertations for the doctor and candidate degrees in the following scientific subjects:
1.1.8. |
Mechanics of deformable solids |
Physics and Mathematics Engineering |
1.6.1. |
General and regional geology. Geotectonics and geodynamics |
Geology and Mineralogy |
1.6.3 |
Petrology and volcanology |
Geology and Mineralogy |
1.6.9 |
Geophysics |
Geology and Mineralogy Physics and Mathematics |
1.6.14 |
Geomorphology and Palaeogeography |
Geography |
1.6.17 |
Oceanology |
Geography Geology and Mineralogy Physics and Mathematics |
1.6.20. |
Geoinformatics and cartography |
Physics and Mathematics |
1.6.21 |
Geoecology |
Geography Geology and Mineralogy |
1.5.15 |
Ecology |
Biology |
Based on the scientific directions of the Journal, its authors can be scientists and experts on any region of the Earth, and articles can be devoted to both transition zones and other areas: intracontinental zones with different geological structure, hydrosphere, atmosphere.
Sections of the Journal
Topical sections correspond to the specialties by which the “Geosystems of transition zones” Journal is included in the VAK List
Subject sections contain reviews, original scientific papers, discussion (including discussions letters to the Editorial Office), short reports, works of young scientists.
Cronicle of scientific life
Peer-reviews, reports on scientific publications
Reports on scientific publications and events
Open Access Policy. Copyright
The Journal provides direct open access to its content, i.e., all content is freely accessible, free of charge for a user in accordance with the BOAI open access definition.
The publication of articles in the Journal is free. At that, the Editorial Board should receive a statement signed by all authors of the manuscript on transferring to the FSBSI Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics publisher of the "Geosystems of transition zones" journal the rights to editorial preparation, publication of the material and distribution of the full text of the published work in any way, including its placement on the website of the Journal and the eLIBRARY (NEL) web-platform for indexing in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) (see the Author's Agreement).
By signing the Authors's Statement, the author agrees that the journal is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)public license. Therefore the published article is available for open use (copying and distribution in any medium and in any format; various modifications and creation of new works on it base) for any purpose, but the authorship of the article is mandatory and all copyrights on this article are fully preserved.
In order to rightfully reproduce in an article text, maps, images, drawings, tables or other material of third parties, including Internet sources, authors must request from the copyright holder non-exclusive, not time-limited rights to reproduce the material in print and electronic form in a specified article and journal, and obtain a written permission (see On the permissions to use third-party material).
The editors of the “Geosystems of Transition Zones” Journal take the necessary measures to protect the personal data of authors of articles, reviewers of the journal and members of the Editorial Board in accordance with the federal law “On personal data” no. 152-FZ from July 27, 2006.
Information about the author of the article, including the surname, first name, patronymic name and address of the affiliated organization, e-mail address, is used solely for the purposes of scientific publication. The editors undertake not to transfer information about the author to third parties to be used for other purposes. Other personal information, including the contact phone number, can only be used by the editors to contact the author in the process of preparing the article for publication.
The editors undertake not to inform third parties, except for reviewers, about the content of materials submitted for publication. Editors also warn the reviewers about the need to maintain confidentiality when reviewing and not disclose information about the article and the results of reviewing to third parties. Reviews of the articles prepared by the reviewer can be published only in agreement with the editors and the reviewer and with the consent of the author of the article.
Publication terms
Publication in the Journal is free of charge for the authors. The editorial staff does not charge any fee for preparation, publication and printing of material. Announcements of upcoming scientific events and published books are also posted free of charge.
The publication of material in the journal does not entail any royalties to the authors of this material.
• Russian State Library
• Scientific Electronic Library
Preprint and postprint publication policy
Preprint articles, which have been previously posted by the authors on personal or public sites that do not belong to other publishers, are eligible for consideration.
Authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (for example, on the web preprint repository etc., in an institute repository or on a personal website) before and during the process of its review by the journal (with an indication of its preprint status), since this may lead to a productive discussion and more links to the work.
Authors also can place the article published in the Journal (postprint) in the open in open science and information social networks and libraries.