Geophysics. Geotectonics and geodynamics
Yu.L. Rebetsky, N.A. Sycheva
The stressed state of the Earth’s crust in the Altai-Sayan mountain region: reconstruction based on the modified algorithms of the cataclastic method)
p. 261–276
A.V. Marinin, L.A. Sim
Tectonic stress of the southeastern part of the Gorny Altai
с. 277–297
S.I. Kuzikov, O.A. Prokhorov
Tectonic movements and deformations within the Bishkek local GPS network (Northern Tien Shan) based on long-term space geodetic observations
с. 298–312
Geophysics. Mechanics of deformable solids
S.A. Bornyakov, A.A. Dobrynina, I.A. Panteleev, V.A. Sankov, D.V. Salko, G.V. Vstovsky, A.I. Miroshnichenko, A.N. Shagun, A.E. Sintsov, A.A. Karimova
Tectonophysical model of the tectonic earthquake focus
с. 313–327
Geophysics, Seismology
E.O. Makarov, R.R. Akbashev, V.E. Glukhov
Variations in the concentration of subsoil gases and the atmospheric electric field prior to some earthquakes in Kamchatka
с. 328–342
Geoinformatics and cartography. Geophysics
S.A. Imashev
Method for detecting anomalies in geomagnetic field variations based on artificial neural network
с. 343–356
Geoinformatics and cartography. Geomorphology and Paleogeography
R.F. Bulgakov
The contribution of hydroisostasy to modern changes in sea level and vertical displacements of the solid surface of the Earth in the Far Eastern seas
с. 357–366
Gydrogeology. Geoecology
Trinh Hoai Thu, R.B. Shakirov, N.Van Hoang, Tran Thi Thuy Huong, Nguyen The Chuyen, N.S. Lee, E.V. Maltceva, A.L. Venikova
Estimation of groundwater recharge using the cumulative rainfall departure method for Bac Lieu province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam
с. 367–380
Monitoring of geological hazards
A.V. Degterev, M.V. Chibisova
Volcanic activity on the Kuril Islands in 2023
с. 381–388
From the Editorial Office
Topical index of articles published in the journal “Geosystems of Transition Zones” in 2024 (volume 8)
с. 389–392