To the Authors note!
The Author's Statement form has been changed (see the section Author's Agreement).
From 2022, the Journal has switched to a digital method of citing references in the text according to the order of mention. References are given in the square brackets specifying the sequence number of the source in the list, separated by a comma: [2, 3] [4–6, 2].
Publication schedule:
no. 1 – March; no. 2 – June; no.3 – September; no. 4 – December.
The editorial board does not accept scientific and popular materials for publication, as well as materials of research of the authors who have no affiliation with the scientific or scientific-industrial organization that an expert examination.
Manuscripts in Russian or English corresponding to the scope of the "Geosystems of Transition Zones" Journal (see the List of scientific specialties, for which the journal is included in the VAC List – the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals) are submitted throughout the year by e-mail:
Àuthor's Agreement
Submitting an article to the Journal, the author in accordance with the federal law of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation from 18.12.2006 no. 230-FZ (part. 4) declares that the article was not previously published, was not submitted for consideration to another publisher, approved by all authors or organizations (see. the Author's Agreement).
The author also states that the work is entirely original, and if the content of other publications was used, this has been appropriately cited or quoted. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
Plagiarism and borrowings
Unauthorized borrowings, plagiarism and self-plagiarism are considered forms of publication ethics misconduct. Any detected case of plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism brings to a request for correction (revision) or rejection of the article, and when it becomes evident post-publication – to retraction of the article (see section About the Journal).
Authors can check the article for originality using the Antiplagiat service.
Copyright and Open Access
By signing the Author’s Agreement, the author concurs that the Journal is issued under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) public license. The CC BY 4.0 license allows for dissemination and copy of an article, reproduce excerpts from it, prepare abstracts, rework into other versions, remix (adapt) or make derivative works (for example, translation), include in a collective work (for example, an anthology), analyze the text or data of an article, even for commercial purposes, provided the authorship and full preservation of all copyrights on this article.
Authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (for example, in an institute repository or on a personal website) before and during consideration of its publication.
Before using fragments of text, images, graphs, diagrams, tables, and other material of third parties, including Internet sources, you must obtain the written permission of the legal copyright holder (see On the permissions....).
The editors reserve the right to subject articles to literary revision, if considered necessary.
Conflict of interest
Authors are required to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including the area of financial, personal or other relationships with other persons or organizations that may arise within three years of the submission of the article be viewed as affecting and adversely affect it.
Principles of publication ethics (more detail about publication ethics and ethical standards for publication in the Journal see Editorial policy and publishing ethics of the “Geosystems of Transition Zones” Journal).
Unfair and unethical behavior of participants of the publishing process includes:
falsification of data; plagiarism of data, ideas or fragments of articles; false use of statistical or other methods; intentional hiding the details of the method; false attribution; misrepresentation of results from other studies; inadmissible reuse of publications (self-plagiarism or duplication of publications); conspiracy with the purpose of artificially increase citation.
Inappropriate or unethical behavior of an author can be identified and brought to the notice of the Editor-in-Chief and publisher at any stage of the publication process.
Consequences of such behavior (can be applied alone or in combination):
point the author and reviewer to deviations in order to prevent deviations from ethical standards in follow-up articles; official notification of the author's affiliation and the funding organization; official reject to publish; prohibition on the publication of this author for a certain period of time; withdrawal (retraction) of the published article, notification of indexing and abstracting agency and readers of the Journal.
Materials submitted for publication in the Journal are subjected to obligatory peer-review in accordance with the Procedure for reviewing and publishing of manuscripts in the "Geosystems of Transition Zones" Journal. Submissions may be returned to authors prior to reviewing if they do not comply with the publishing requirements.
The article with copies of reviews and editorial notes is sent to the author. Returning a manuscript for revision does not mean its acceptance for publication. In the editorial file, the author finalizes the material and sends it along with a response letter. A response letter must be written in a file with a review or editorial report.
In this letter author should:
• point-by-point respond to the peer-reviewer’s comments;
• indicate exactly what revisions were made in the article;
• write a convincing, polite objection if, in the opinion of the author, the reviewer is wrong.
The Editorial Board, on the basis of at least 2 reviews and the author's response, makes a decision on publication or rejection within 3 months from the date of receipt of the material. A motivated refusal to publish or a decision of acceptance is sent to the author.
Reviews remain deposited in the Editorial Office for 5 years.
Subscription to the printed version is available on the website of the United Catalog "Press of Russia" ( in the online catalog and through the online store «Press on subscription» (https:/ (subscription index 80882).
Dear authors!
Prior the manuscript submitting to the editors, you can post your work as a preprint on the website etc. Thereby, you will be able to instantly acquaint the scientific community with the results of your research and receive feedback from colleagues before publication in the Journal.
When formatting a manuscript, we strongly recommend to follow the Manuscripts’ formatting ang publication guidelines in the “Geosystems of Transition Zones” Journal, posted on the website and published annually in the first issue of the Journal.
Manuscript is submitted in its entirety as a file in Microsoft Word format, without hyphenation. If it contains complex formulas, symbols and tables, it is advisable to duplicate the file in PDF.
Example of Article format see in the corresponding file.
If results of the experiment are not comprehended yet at the generalization level appropriate to the article, but seem to be important for the scientific problem resolving, prepare them in a form of a short report (problem definition, experimental material, conclusions, short references list).
Structure of an article (
in accordance with international journals recommendations)
Title – short, informative, descriptive, experts recommend not more than 10–15 words. Try to include "intrigue" in the title, a catchword that will get the reader to refer to your article.
Summary (essay, annotation) – Abstract. Avoid using narrative phrases. It reflects:
• topic, problem, object, aims of the work;
• method or methodology of the work conducting;
• research results;
• scope of the results;
• conclusions.
Make it interesting and clear without the entire article reading. This significantly affects the fate of your article. The annotation does not allow abbreviations (except common), formulas, references to sources from the list of references.
Keywords at the optimal case give an idea about material, research methods and scientific novelty.
Acknowledgements/funding (in Russian and English). Placed after the abstract, before the text. It lists all legal and/or individuals who have provided financial and/or other assistance to the author(s) in the research, etc.
Introduction. Cover the following questions clearly:
• What is the problem.
• What has been done before (make a literature overview; indicate the original and essential works, including the latest review articles)? Avoid the references to obsolete results.
• What are your hypothesis and objectives (problem definition, arising from unsolved problems, with novelty emphasis, clear state the aim of the article)?
Material (object) and methods of the research
• Describe how did you studied the stated problem. Do not describe the procedures and methods that have been published previously.
• Specify the equipment applied and describe the material used.
Experiment (research, simulation, etc.) and/or research results
Tables, graphs and text should not duplicate each other.
Figures and tables are the research history. They must be comprehensible without text reading.
Discussion of the results. The essential section.
• Compare your results with those published previously. The most obvious way to increase citing is to impart a global character to your article, i.e. not to only present your own data, but demonstrate them in comparison with regional and/or worldwide analogs.
• Your model and conclusions should be universal from the point of view of the scientists of not only your specialty. If the model is good and the conclusions are correctly drawn and proved, they should be clear to anyone.
• Do not ignore the works which results contradict to yours, enter into constructive discussion with them, and convince the reader of your rightness.
• Discuss the limits of your results (what you were unable to do and why).
• Briefly state the principal results.
• Provide a clear answer to the question of how much your work allows you to move forward in this field of knowledge.
• Suggest further research directions.
Important: conclusions should neatly correlate with formulation of the aim, results of the work and the annotation content.
References (should be formatted in accordance with Manuscripts' formatting and publication guidelines of the “Geosystems of Transition Zones” Journal); see also the Reference format)
A representative list of references demonstrates the professional horizon and the qualitative level of research.
The list of references does not include:
• textbooks;
• articles from nonscientific journals;
• normative and legal acts;
• statistical compendiums and archives;
• electronic nonpublished sources (online articles, newspaper and any other news sources, reports and various researches on websites, sites of institutions and organizations);
• dictionaries, encyclopedias, other handbooks;
• reports, notes, protocols.
The indicated sources are made out in the form of inline links in parentheses or in the form of page footnotes at the bottom of the page.
Subject to the requirements of international citation systems, references should be adapted for automatic processing in order to identify the links. The machines do not read Russian-language (in Cyrillic) references, so the Journal publishes bibliographic lists not only in the original language, but also in the Latin alphabet. References are compiled by the editors on the basis of the lists given in the manuscript, so they must be clear and accurate. All sources should be easily found by means of search engines (Google, Yandex, etc.)
Important: In accordance with international publication ethics, we strongly recommend the authors to observe self-citation level of no more than 20% (in the reference list).
Data. This, if necessary, an additional information, such as data of experiments, auxiliary research methods, etc., supporting the conclusions in the article. It can be in the form of a separate publication, an annex to an article, or as additional material to an article for posting in the electronic version of the Journal.
Submitting the paper to the editors, make sure of the obligatory information in the article, required files and documents (see the Checklist file).
The materials for sending to the editors include the following files:
• Text of an article with figures, tables, references, information about the authors:
• Files with illustrations: , < Ivanov_fig. 1b.jpg >, < Ivanov_fig. 3.jpg> etc.
• Files (if necessary) with additional material to be posted in the electronic version: < Ivanov_suppl-1.doc>, < Ivanov_suppl-2.jpg> etc.
✓ Scanned copies of the following covering documents are attached to a manuscript:
• Author’s agreement
• Expert report (in the form accepted in your organization) on the possibility of publication in the open press
• List of potential peer-reviewers (if desired): 4–6 specialists (at least from two different regions or countries; experts in the given field; lack of cooperation, including co-authorship over the last three years; not members of the Editorial Board of the journal)
• Confirmation of permission receipt to use tables, figures, fragments protected by copyright from the other sources (including internet sources). See: On the permissions....