Principles of publishing ethics (more detail about publication ethics and ethical standards for publication in the Journal see Editorial policy and publishing ethics of the “Geosystems of Transition Zones” Journal).

Unfair and unethical behavior of participants in the publishing process includes:

falsification of data; plagiarism of data, ideas or fragments of articles; false use of statistical or other methods; intentional hiding the details of the method; false attribution; misrepresentation of results from other studies; inadmissible reuse of publications (self-plagiarism or duplication of publications); conspiracy with the purpose of artificially increase citation.

Inappropriate or unethical behavior of an author can be identified and brought to the notice of the Editor-in-Chief and publisher at any stage of the publication process.

Consequences of such behavior (can be applied alone or in combination):

point the author and reviewer to deviations in order to prevent deviations from ethical standards in follow-up articles; official notification of the author's affiliation and the funding organization; official reject to publish; prohibition on the publication of this author for a certain period of time; withdrawal (retraction) of the published article, notification of indexing and abstracting agency and readers of the Journal.


List of scientific specialties PDF

Author’s Statement PDF/WORD

On the permissions to use third-party material PDF/WORD

Editorial policy and publishing ethics of the Journal PDF

Procedure for reviewing and publishing of manuscripts in the Journal PDF

Manuscripts’ formatting and publication guidelines PDF/WORD

Example of the article format PDF

Checklist PDF/WORD

Reference format PDF/WORD


Researcher profiles synchronization PDF

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