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Abstract. The paper provides with the research results of physicochemical and balneological properties of thermal waters and hydrothermal mud of the Ebeko volcano (Paramushir Island, Kuril Islands). To assess recreational and tourist potential, we sample the most intensive thermal waters outputs. Ultra-acidic spring no. 1 of the Verkhne-Yuryeva group has a temperature of 88 °C, its mineralized (M – 13 g/l) chloride-sulfate waters contain biologically active elements in elevated concentrations (Si, B, Br, Fe2+). Thermal waters of the Verkhne-Yuryeva springs can be roughly attributed to the Gaisky type of the acid water group and recommended for external use in the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases. Given the complexity of the route to the springs, the real development of this territory is considered not as a balneotherapy complex, but as an object of recreational and tourist activities. A similar situation is with an ultra-acidic sulfate thermal spring in the North-Eastern solfataric field. In addition to hydrotherms, it contains thin deposits of hydrothermal mud, which is almost impossible to use as a therapeutic due to its insufficiently good physical indicators and relatively small volume. The most promising deep hydrotherms for recreation and balneotherapy are opened by a well P-2 in the area of Severo-Kurilsk. In 2014, the hydrotherms temperature was 82 °C, mineralized water (M – 8.6 g/l) chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium, slightly alkaline (pH 7.6), with an elevated content of biologically active components (Si, B, Br). According to the physical and chemical properties, the thermal waters of well P-2 can be tentatively attributed to the Lazarevsky hydrochemical type of therapeutic drinking water of chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium group, and as an external (balneological) use, they are tentatively close to the Kuldur type of siliceous thermal waters of various ion composition.
Paramushir Island, Ebeko volcano, thermal waters, hydrothermal mud, balneology, recreation, tourism
For citation: Zharkov R.V. Thermal fields of the Ebeko volcano (Paramushir Island, Kuril Islands) and their recreational and tourist potential. Geosistemy perehodnykh zon = Geosystems of Transition Zones, 2020, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 514–525. (In Russ., abstr. in Engl.). https://doi.org/10.30730/gtrz.2020.4.4.514-525
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