2018 Volume 2 Issue 3
Predictability of seismic energy rate in northwest frame of Pacific Ocean on the base of USGS catalogue
A.I. Malyshev, L.K. Malysheva
Onor earthquake of August 14, 2016, Mw = 5.8 (Sakhalin Island)
A.S. Prytkov, D.A. Safonov, A.S. Zakupin
Aftershock processes supporting moderate and weak earthquakes in the area of the Bishkek Geodynamic Test Site and in its vicinity
V.A. Muhamadeeva, N.А. Sycheva
Evaluation of petroleum potential of sedimentary cover, Terpeniya Bay based on kinematic and dynamic characteristics of seismic waves
V.V. Zhigulev, K.Yu. Uporov, A.V. Zhigulev
Evaluation seismicity in Southern Sakhalin with the use of the method SOUS'09
E.P. Semenova, D.V. Kostylev, V.I. Mikhailov, I.A. Parshina, V.N. Fercheva
Mantle anomalies of gravitational and “free surface” kind, and their relationship with the deep processes
V.N. Senachin, O.V. Veselov, M.V. Senachin
A new map of tsunami hazard for the South Kuril Islands
G.V. Shevchenko, A.V. Loskutov, V.M. Kaystrenko
Measuring the thickness of the sea ice with the use of storms waves
P.D. Kovalev, D.P. Kovalev
Features of the critical stage of fracture process of deformed heterogeneous materials
E.E. Damaskinskaya, I.A. Panteleev, D.I. Frolov, N.F. Vasilenko
Chekhov’s LateCenozoic volcanism of the eastern coast of Southern Sakhalin (Makarovsky district)
V.M. Grannik
Monitoring of volcanic activity in the Kurile Islands: 15 years of work SVERT group
A.V. Rybin, M.V. Chibisova, A.V. Degterev