2018 Volume 2 Issue 1
On the slow waves and oscillations in a terrestrial crust and seismoionospheric relations
L.M. Bogomolov, P.A. Kamenev, V.N. Sychev
Search for predictive anomalies of strong earthquakes according to monitoring of subsoil gases
at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky geodynamic test site
P.P. Firstov, E.O. Makarov, I.P. Glukhova, D.I. Budilov, D.V. Isakevich
Formal clustering method application to data on large and super-large ore deposits
A.R. Shatakhtsyan
Morphodynamics of the stable system of megafestons (sand waves) of Terpeniya Bay (Sakhalin Island)
V.V. Afanasiev, A.V. Uba, A.O. Gorbunov, V.S. Zarochintsev, A.I. Levitsky
The estimation of seismic hazard in south part of Sakhalin for 2018 year (based on preliminary catalog)
A.S. Zakupin, P.A. Kamenev, T.E. Voronina, N.V. Boginskaya
Gasgeochemical precursors of seismic activity, earthquakes, volcanic episodes on the Kamchatka
and Sea of Okhotsk (to use information of the Kamchatka scientific conferences 2017)
A.I. Obzhirov
60 years – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Leonid M. Bogomolov Download Rus
The rules for the authors of the journal “Geosystems of Transition Zones” Download Rus