Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Leonid M. Bogomolov
E-mail: l.bogomolov@imgg.ru
Has graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state University). Has worked in Research stations (branches) of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS in Andijan and Bishkek (Frunze), and since 2004 in the Research Station RAS in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Since 2008 he has worked at IMGG FEB RAS. The science researches are devoted to problems of energy-saturated systems, including their stability and nonlinear dynamics. Such systems include both current-carrying plasma thermonuclear magnetic traps (the subject of Ph.D. thesis, 1984) and loaded geomaterials and rocks massifs in seismogenerating zones. The “Responses of geological medium emission signals to effect of electromagnetic fields and vibrations” thesis for a degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences in the “Geophysics and geophysical methods in exploration activity” field has been defended in 2013.
Author/co-author of more than 150 scientific publications.
By the order of the Federal Agency of Education of Russia from the 7th of December, 2015 was appointed a Head of IMGG FEB RAS by the results of Head’s election by the Institute staff for the period till 7th of December 2020.
Research interests:
The last projects and grants
RFBR grant 18-07-00966-a "Study of trigger deformation effects according to the data on the seismicity of Sakhalin using a new type of seismic sensors"
RFBR grant 14-05-00099-a "Effect of low-frequency disturbances of the atmosphere and ionosphere by tsunami wave, and its use for tsunami detection"
RFBR grant 11-05-00155-a "Detailed analysis of the relationship between electromagnetic signal propagation parameters and seismic processes in the Kuril Islands region";
RFBR 11-05-98529-r_vostok_a "Study of processes of destruction of the newly formed shore during coseismic movements of Nevelsk earthquake of 2007, Mw=6.2", leader.
The project of the 7th framework program of the EU "Search for Electro-Magnetic Earthquake Precursors combining satellite and ground-based facilities" (SEMEP), 2011–2012.