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The Journal missionis to inform Russian and foreign scientific society about the results of studying the geosystems of the transition zones of the Earth and related problems of geophysics, geology, geodynamics, seismology, geoecology and other sciences.

The Journal topics
• Interaction of hydrosphere, atmosphere, and solid Earth, geomedia contacting effects
• Mechanisms of earthquake occurring, focus, earthquake precursors, geohazards
• Straining and destruction of geological materials, rock massifs, sea coasts
• Hydrogasdynamic phenomena in rock massifs and on the geomedia contacts
• Fundamental problems in hydrocarbons field development
• Tsunami and other dangerous wave processes in the Ocean, tsunami hazard
• Volcanism and volcanic hazard, mud volcanism and related processes
• Geoinformatics and information technology in Earth sciences
• Geophysical effects and modern geodynamics manifestations
• Interrelation of biological and physical processes in ocean, volcanic, and coastal zones

The Journal is included in the HAC List – List of reviewed scientific journals, which should publish the scientific results of dissertations for the doctor and candidate degrees in the following scientific subjects:
25.00.01 General and regional geology
25.00.03 Geotectonic and geodynamic
25.00.04 Petrology, volcanology
25.00.10 Geophysics, geophysical methods of mineral exploration
25.00.25 Geomorphology and evolutionary geography
25.00.28 Oceanology
25.00.35 Geoinformatics
25.00.36 Geoecology
01.02.04 Mechanics of deformable solids

Sections of the Journal
Topical sections correspond to the specialties by which the “Geosystems of transition zones” Journal is included in the HAC List.
Subject sections contain overviews, original scientific papers, discussions (including discussions letters to the Editorial Office), short reports, works of young scientists.
Peer-reviews, reports on scientific publications
Reports on scientific events


Corresponding Member of the RAS
Boris W. Levin

Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Leonid M. Bogomolov

Editorial Office
Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics of FEB RAS
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Nauki str. 1B
Tel/fax: +7 (4242) 791-517
Aleksandr S. Prytkov