Geosistemy perehodnykh zon = Geosystems of Transition Zones / Геосистемы переходных зон
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2024, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 161–173

URL:,,,, (In Russian)

On the possible relationship between magnetic storms and earthquakes in certain tectonic conditions (using the example of Sakhalin Island)
Zakupin, Alexander S.,,
Kazakov, Artem I.,,
Stovbun, Nikolai S.,,
Gulyakov, Sergei A.,,
Andreeva, Marina Yu.,,
Zherdeva, Olga A.,,
Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics of the Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
Abstract PDF ENG. .PDF RUS Full text PDF ENG. .PDF RUS

Abstract. The paper considers topical issues of geophysics related to the possible influence of disturbances in the magnetosphere on seismicity. The study was conducted based on a detailed catalog of seismic events in southern Sakhalin for the period from 2003 to 2023. The paper aims to test the assumption that such an influence can manifest itself in individual seismogenic zones during their proximity to discharge. The testing was carried out in randomly selected segments of the West Sakhalin (WSF) and Central Sakhalin (CSF) faults. The coincidence of the moments of some seismic events (with M > 2.7) and magnetic storms with a high index (G1 and higher) was revealed in these segments. The LURR (load-unload response ratio) method was used to identify periods when fault segments were in a subcritical stress-strain state. It was shown that the main part of the coincidences occurred during the periods of increased abnormal activity of the LURR parameter.

earthquake, magnetic storm, LURR, correlation, fault segment

For citation: Zakupin A.S., Kazakov A.I., Stovbun N.S., Gulyakov S.A., Andreeva M.Yu., Zherdeva O.A. On the possible relationship between magnetic storms and earthquakes in certain tectonic conditions (using the example of Sakhalin Island). Geosistemy perehodnykh zon = Geosystems of Transition Zones, 2024, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 161–173.,

Для цитирования: Закупин А.С., Казаков А.И., Стовбун Н.С., Гуляков С.А., Андреева М.Ю., Жердева О.А. О возможной связи между магнитными бурями и землетрясениями в определенных тектонических условиях (на примере о. Сахалин) [Electronic resource]. Геосистемы переходных зон, 2024, т. 8, № 3.


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