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Abstract. Some preliminary results of the field work of the Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, on Iturup Island in 2023 are presented. The data on the modern volcanic activity of Machekha Crater of Tebenkov Volcano are provided. The data on the activity of Berutarube Volcano available in the literature have been supplemented. The data characterizing the current activity of Tebenkov and Berutarube Volcanoes have been obtained. Samples of thermal waters, hydrothermally altered rocks, and products of solfataric activity have been collected, and their thermal imaging has been performed. During the monitoring work, the waters of the thermal springs of the Dachnoe deposit have been sampled. In order to evaluate the impact of volcanism on the formation and development of the bryoflora and lichen flora of the south of Iturup Island, representatives of lichens and bryophytes have been collected on the slopes of Berutarube Volcano.
Kuril Islands, Iturup Island, Machekha Crater, Berutarube Volcano, hydrotherms
For citation: Romanyuk F.A. Volcanological and geoecological studies on Iturup Island (Kuril Islands) in 2023. Geosistemy perehodnykh zon = Geosystems of Transition Zones, 2024, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 56–63. (In Russ., abstr. in Engl.).
https://doi.org/10.30730/gtrz.2024.8.1.056-063, https://www.elibrary.ru/wtvlsi
Для цитирования: Романюк Ф.А. Вулканологические и геоэкологические исследования на о. Итуруп (Курильские острова) в 2023 году. Геосистемы переходных зон, 2024, т. 8, № 1, с. 56–63.
https://doi.org/10.30730/gtrz.2024.8.1.056-063, https://www.elibrary.ru/wtvlsi
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