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Abstract. Structural and geological studies were carried out as part of a comprehensive field research for studying the geological and structural characteristics in the area of the village of Boshnyakovo – the town of Shakhtyorsk (the Uglegorsky district, Sakhalin Island). It is shown that the change of the structural-facies zones of the Cenozoic section (from the Middle Eocene to the Lower Miocene) occurs in the Onnai – Goncharovka interfluve. Large slickensides have been documented in the supposed zone of the Lesogorsk-Uglegorsk earthquake of 1924 with MLH = 7.0. Detailed measurements of the spatial orientation of slickensides were carried out in order to reconstruct tectonic stresses by tectonophysical methods. There is a predominance of horizontal extension in the structure of the studied slickensides, less often horizontal extension in combination with shear.
siliceous deposits, stresses, geological structure, tectonic disturbances, slickensides, fracturing
For citation: Kostrov Yu.V., Kamenev P.A., Degtyarev V.A. Structural and geological study of the zone of influence of the central part of the West Sakhalin fault. Geosistemy perehodnykh zon = Geosystems of Transition Zones, 2022, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 5–12. (In Russ., abstr. in Engl.).
Для цитирования: Костров Ю.В., Каменев П.А, Дегтярев В.А. Структурно-геологическое изучение зоны влияния центральной части Западно-Сахалинского разлома. Геосистемы переходных зон, 2022, т. 6, № 1, с. 5–12.
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