2017 Volume 1 Issue 3
On the influence of the Earth’s rotation velocity on global seismicity on the basis of observations from 1720 to 2016 B.W. Levin, E.V. Sasorova
Investigation of Q-factor of the North Tien Shan ground (Bishkek Geodynamic Test Site) on the basis of a code waves of local earthquakes N.A. Sychevа, I.V. Sychev
Space-time localization probability of enhanced seismic hazard in LURR medium-term prediction technique as applied to New Zealand territory A.S. Zakupin, P.A. Kamenev
On specific magnitude and geographical criterion for tsunami alarm announcement in the Sea of Japan
D.E. Zolotukhin, T.N. Ivelskaya
Research of the acoustic emission of the near-surface sedimentary rocks in Kamchatka
I.A. Larionov, Yu.V. Marapulets, M.A. Mishchenko, A.A. Solodchuk, A.O. Shcherbina
Estimation of parameters of hydroacoustic signals of high frequency geoacoustic emission within Central Sakhalin Fault area A.S. Borisov, S.A. Borisov
To the 80-th anniversary of Corresponding Member of RAS B.W. Levin Download Rus