2017 Volume 1 Issue 1
Patterns of transition zone between Eurasian and North American plates (by example of stressed state of the Sakhalin Island) L.A. Sim, G.V. Bryantseva, P.A. Savvichev, P.A. Kamenev
Dynamics of the shores during cold period V.V. Afanasiev, A.O. Romanov, A.V. Uba
Laboratory research of geomechanical parameters of sedimentary rocks massifs in the South Sakhalin
P.A. Kamenev, O.M. Usoltseva, P.A. Tsoi, V.N. Semenov, B.B. Sivolap
Seismic signatures indicators of North Sakhalin active faults V.L. Lomtev, V.N. Patrickeyev
Pacific plate subduction in 1978-1981 S.M. Saprygin, V.N. Soloviev